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What is the right way to import vue package in nuxt?

I try to import this package into my nuxt project. All my coding experiments can be found here. I will refer to different branches.

There are several ways to do so:

  1. Just import it right in the page like here (master branch)

This way worked well. You can go to the uploading page via a button on a home page.

home page example

Until you manually refresh the page refresh page

Then you will get this error SyntaxError Cannot use import statement outside a module

error message

The same error happens when you try to build it.

  1. Import it via plugins (like in plugin-use branch with or without vendor option in build)

I've got the same error.

  1. Import it via plugins with some options (like in plugin-options branch)

Then the package loads only when you refresh the page and only in dev mode.

If you will go to that button on a home page (referenced before) - there will be an empty page.

  1. Import it through modules (like in modules branch).

Then the nuxt cannot load at all, this error happens SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

Could you comment on each method and why it doesn't work? How to import it correctly?


  • The final answer is following (I've looked up the projects which use this package).

    used by

    There was a project which run on Nuxt.

    These are changes which you should add to @tamzid-oronno 's answer

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import VueLazyload from 'vue-lazyload'
    import VueUploadMultipleImage from 'vue-upload-multiple-image'
    Vue.use(VueLazyload) // this is from the package installation guide
    Vue.component('VueUploadMultipleImage', VueUploadMultipleImage)

    And list it in plugins the same way.

    plugins: [ 
          { src: '~plugins/vue-upload-multiple-image', ssr: false }

    Thus you will be able to use the package without importing it in pages as tags. This was implemented in plugin_plus_lazy branch.

    Both tags will work vue-upload-multiple-image and VueUploadMultipleImage.

      <div id="my-strictly-unique-vue-upload-multiple-image" style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
          dragText = "Drag an image here"
          browseText = "(or click here to browse)"
          primaryText = "Default Image"
          markIsPrimaryText = "Set as default image"
          popupText = "This image will be set as default"
          dropText = "Drag and drop"
          accept = image/jpeg,image/png,image/jpg,image/tif,image/tiff
    export default {
      name: "AppUpload",
          images: []
        uploadImageSuccess(formData, index, fileList) {    },
        beforeRemove (index, done, fileList) {    },
        editImage (formData, index, fileList) {   },
    <style scoped>

    To create a static version and test it on your local machine do the following:

    $ npm run generate
    # test the project
    $ npm install http-server
    $ cd dist
    $ http-server -p 3000

    I still have a question - why does it work? :)