I'm running a query but it doesn't output what I expect it to. I have the table below:
security_ID | Date | Rep
2256 |202001| 0
2257 |202002| 0
2257 |202003| 0
2256 |202002| 1
2256 |202003| 2
2257 |202003| 1
I'm essentially trying to find the % of cases where the column Rep
changes from 0 to 1, from one date to the next, when Rep
was 0 for the previous date, for a given security_ID
. The difference in the Date
s should be 1 (for eg. with 202002-202001 = 1. Dates are integer here) for the calculation.
Here, for the security_ID = 2256
, the Percent = 100
as from 202001
to 202002
, Rep
changes from 0 to 1, and in the table the number of rows where 2256
was 0
is 1. The equation for Percent is:
Percent = (No of cases where Rep_current = 1 and Rep_prev = 0)/(No of cases where Rep_prev = 0) * 100
For security_ID = 2257, Percent = 1/2 * 100 = 50
For example, I want the output to be:
security_ID | Date | Rep | Percent
2256 |202001| 0 | 100
2257 |202002| 0 | 50
2257 |202003| 0 | 50
2256 |202002| 1 | 100
2256 |202003| 2 | 100
2257 |202003| 1 | 50
I tried to do this as follows:
SELECT security_ID, Date, Rep,
(COUNT(CASE WHEN Rep_prev = 0 and Rep = 1 then 1 else 0 end)/count(CASE WHEN Rep_prev = 0 then 1 else 0 end) * 100) as "Percent"
select t1.security_id,t1.date,t1.rep,
coalesce(t2.rep,0) as Rep_prev
from mytable t1
left join mytable t2
on t1.security_id = t2.security_id
and t2.date = t1.date - 1
But I get the output as:
security_ID | Date | Rep | Percent
2256 |202001| 0 | 100
2257 |202002| 0 | 100
2257 |202003| 0 | 100
2256 |202002| 1 | 100
2256 |202003| 2 | 100
2257 |202003| 1 | 100
Not too sure where my logic is off here.
Please let me know if youd like more info, cause its hard to put this idea across.
You can use the below logic (using Windows function) -
Select mt.security_id, mt.Date, mt.Rep, (numerator*100)/denominator As "Percent"
(Select security_id,
SUM(case when Rep_curr = 1 and coalesce(Rep_prev,-99) = 0 then 1 else 0 end) As numerator,
SUM(case when coalesce(Rep_prev,-99) = 0 then 1 else 0 end) As denominator
(Select security_id,
Rep As Rep_curr,
lag(Rep,1) over(partition by security_id order by Date) As Rep_prev
from my_table) t
where t.Rep_prev is not NULL
group by security_id) tab
join my_table mt
on tab.security_id = mt.security_id;
Here is a db fiddle link that demonstrates how it works in SQL Server - https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2014&fiddle=8654f0242bbed911f1ed63b795281bac. The above syntax would work on Sybase as well.
EDIT : If I were to use your methodology, here is how I would do it -
SELECT mt.*, Tab1.Perct As "Percent"
(SELECT security_ID,
(SUM(CASE WHEN Rep_prev = 0 and Rep = 1 then 1 else 0 end) * 100/SUM(CASE WHEN Rep_prev = 0 then 1 else 0 end)) as Perct
select t1.security_id,t1.date,t1.rep,
coalesce(t2.rep,0) as Rep_prev
from mytable t1
left join mytable t2
on t1.security_id = t2.security_id
and t2.date = t1.date - 1
where t2.rep IS NOT NULL
) t
JOIN mytable mt
ON TAB1.security_ID = mt.security_ID;