I am writing a query inside of AWS Athena. The Origianl Table is something like:
employee|manager1|manager2|manager3|... | manager10
12345|A . |B . |C . |... | (null)
54321|I . |II . |III . |... | X
And the result should look like:
employee | manager
12345 . | A
12345 . | B
12345 . | C
54321 | I
54321 . | II
54321 . |...
54321 . | X
I tried to use unpivot inside of Athena but got some syntax errors. Also, with unpivot it means i need to hardcoding all these columns.
This is my first time with Athena and I don't know if Athena can achieve it or not. And if yes, what's the correct way?
I just did an unpivot in Athena with arrays. My case didn't have a variable number of columns so you may need to adjust for that, but this should at least work to give you an unpivot:
WITH dataset AS (
ARRAY[manager1, manager2, manager3] AS managers
(SELECT 'A' AS employee, '1' AS manager1, '2' AS manager2, '3' AS manager3)
SELECT employee, manager FROM dataset
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(managers) as t(manager)
This will give you the output:
Check the documentation for more info and examples: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/creating-arrays.html