Here is an example table CALLRECORD:
|callid | rating |
|1 | |
|2 | 5 |
|3 | |
|4 | 1 |
|5 | |
No problem to output total number of calls, number of rated calls, average rating and number of unrated calls:
select count(*) as total from callrecord;
select count(*) as rated, avg(rating) as average_rating from callrecord where rating is not null;
select count(*) as unrated from callrecord where rating is null;
|total |
|5 |
|rated |average |
|2 |3 |
|unrated |
|3 |
I'm looking for how to output all above to one row with single SQL request:
|total |rated |average |unrated |
|5 |2 |3 |3 |
db<>fiddle here
Most aggregate functions ignore null
values, so what you want is simpler that you may think:
count(*) total, -- total number of rows
count(rating) as rated, -- count of non-null ratings
avg(rating) average, -- avg ignore `null`
count(*) - count(rating) unrated -- count of null ratings
from mytable