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Using eval to read an encrypted file

I have a php file which was encrypted using mcrypt and now we need to decrypt it.

Here is the decryption:

abstract class Encryption_Abstract {
    const CYPHER = 'blowfish';
    const MODE = 'cfb';
    protected $key;
    function __construct($key) {
        $this->key = $key;
    public function encrypt($plaintext) {
        return $plaintext;
    public function decrypt($crypttext) {
        return $crypttext;
class Decryption extends Encryption_Abstract {
    function decrypt($crypttext) {
        $plaintext = '';
        $td = mcrypt_module_open(self::CYPHER, '', self::MODE, '');
        $ivsize = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td);
        $iv = substr($crypttext, 0, $ivsize);
        $crypttext = substr($crypttext, $ivsize);
        if ($iv) {
            mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this - > key, $iv);
            $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($td, $crypttext);
        return $plaintext;

Now this is how we instantiate it and then use it:

$enc = new Decryption(KEYS::PROD);  //KEYS::PROD is the decryption key
eval($enc->decrypt(file_get_contents("key_file.txt"))); //<--

Is there any way to not use eval? or is it my only option?


  • If it's a PHP file and you need to execute it, you can pipe it to a php cli.. but it would be the same. But how would you want to execute a PHP file without executing it?:)