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Extracting data from one dataframe to another in r

I have a dataframe containing daily prices of a stock exchange for several years with their respective dates. I would like to extract the last 3 observations in a month and the first 5 observations of the following month, for every month, and store it in a new dataframe.

In addition to dates (formated as "%Y-%m-%d") I have a column with a counter for every trading day pr month. Example data looks like this:

    df$date <- as.Date(c("2017-03-25","2017-03-26","2017-03-27","2017-03-29","2017-03-30",

    df$DayofMonth <- c(18,19,20,21,22,23,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    df$price <- (100, 100.53, 101.3 ,100.94, 101.42, 101.40, 101.85, 102, 101.9, 102, 102.31, 102.1, 102.23)

And now I want to extract the last 3 observations in March and the first 5 observations in April (and then the last 3 observations in April and the first 5 in May etc, including all columns of the respective rows) and store it in a new dataframe. The only question is how do I do this?

Thanks for helping out!


  • First idea:

    date <- c("2017-03-25","2017-03-26","2017-03-27","2017-03-29","2017-03-30",
    df <- data.table(Date = date)
    df[, DayofMonth := seq(.N), by = YearMonth]
    first <- df[, .SD[1:ifelse(.N < 5, .N, 5)], by = YearMonth] #first trading days each month
    last <- df[, .SD[(ifelse((.N-2) < 0, 0, (.N-2))):.N], by = YearMonth] #last trading days each month
    final <- rbind(first, last)
    setorder(final, Date)
    # be aware that it leads to duplicates for a month if it has less than 8 trading days, 
    # to resolve that use unique()
    final <- unique(final)