I have a question about compile time functions. I understand that static_assert should work only with types, that can be evaluated/computed at compile time. So it does not work with std::string (yet, no support in gcc10 for constexpr std::string) but will work with std::array(when I know size at compile time). I am watching C++ Weekly from Jason Turner, so this snippet is from this episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INn3xa4pMfg.
The code is here: https://godbolt.org/z/e3WPTP
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
template<typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t Size>
struct Map final
std::array<std::pair<Key, Value>, Size> _data;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Value getMappedKey(const Key& aKey) const
const auto mapIterator = std::ranges::find_if(_data, [&aKey](const auto& pair){ return pair.first == aKey;});
if(mapIterator != _data.end())
return mapIterator->second;
throw std::out_of_range("Key is not in the map");
enum class OurEnum
enum class TheirEnum
// This Fails non constant variable of course
Map<OurEnum, TheirEnum, 2> enumsConverter =
{{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE},
{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE2, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE2}}
// This fails, it is const, but this does not guarentee that it will be created in compile time
const Map<OurEnum, TheirEnum, 2> enumsConverter =
{{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE},
{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE2, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE2}}
// This works
constexpr Map<OurEnum, TheirEnum, 2> enumsConverter =
{{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE},
{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE2, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE2}}
//How come this does not work? Oh i see, missing const because constinit does not apply constness
constinit Map<OurEnum, TheirEnum, 2> enumsConverter =
{{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE},
{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE2, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE2}}
// Okay, I added const specifier but still this makes static_assert fail because of non-constant condition
// Why?
constinit const Map<OurEnum, TheirEnum, 2> enumsConverter =
{{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE},
{OurEnum::OUR_VALUE2, TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE2}}
int main()
static_assert(enumsConverter.getMappedKey(OurEnum::OUR_VALUE) == TheirEnum::THEIR_VALUE);
I was playing with this sample and find out, that the static_assert does not work with constinit const initialized map. I commented out every possibility and I would like to explain them.
According to cppInsights, the generated code by compiler is same as for constinit const and constexpr.
You are trying to address things from the wrong perspective. You see a variable declared as constinit const
. You think that, because the object is non-modifiable, and because it is initialized by a constant expression, that this means that the object is a constant expression.
It's not.
Is its value knowable by the compiler? Absolutely. But that's not how "constant expression" is defined.
Something is a constant expression because the standard says that it is. A variable declared constinit
is not a constant expression because the rules don't say that it is. A variable declared const
is not a constant expression because the rules don't say that it is (except for certain cases of integers, which predate constexpr
). And there's no special rule for the use of both of these markers.
A variable is a constant expression if it is declared constexpr
(or one of those const
integer exceptions). And only constant expressions can appear in static_assert
That's the rule.
And there's no reason to have a special case of using constinit const
because if you wanted a constant expression... you could have just written constexpr
. After all, you might be in some template code where someone gave you a T
that just so happens to be const
, and you create a constinit T
variable somewhere. You didn't ask it to be a constant expression; you just wanted a variable that was statically initialized. That the type just so happened to be const
is just happenstance.
Now sure, the compiler is free to do all kinds of special optimizations with this knowledge. But this isn't about what the compiler is allowed to do; it's about what the language means. And if you wanted special meaning from that declaration, you should have said it correctly.