I made a placeholder for tkinter and was wondering to take it forward, but what if the user enters the same text as the placeholder, all the effects that are supposed to take place for the placeholders gets implemented onto the text. Anyway to overcome this?
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class PlaceholderEntry(tk.Entry):
Custom modern Placeholder Entry box, takes positional argument master and placeholder\n
Use ret() for getting output from entry widget\n
Use ins() for inserting into entry widget\n
Use remove() for deleting from entry widget\n
ISSUES: What if the user types exactly same text as the placeholders in the entrybox?
def __init__(self, master, placeholder, **kwargs):
# style for ttk widget
self.s = ttk.Style()
# init entry box
ttk.Entry.__init__(self, master, style='my.TEntry', **kwargs)
self.text = placeholder
# add placeholder if box empty
# bindings of the widget
self.bind('<FocusIn>', self.clear)
self.bind('<FocusOut>', self.add)
self.bind_all('<Key>', self.normal)
self.bind_all('<Button-1>', self.cursor)
def clear(self, *args):
if self.get() == self.text: # remove placeholder when focus gain
self.delete(0, tk.END)
self.s.configure('my.TEntry', foreground='black',
font=(0, 0, 'normal'))
def add(self, *args):
if self.get() == '': # if no text add placeholder
self.s.configure('my.TEntry', foreground='grey',
font=(0, 0, 'bold'))
self.insert(0, self.text) # insert placeholder
self.icursor(0) # move insertion cursor to start of entrybox
def normal(self, *args):
self.s.configure('my.TEntry', foreground='black',
font=(0, 0, 'normal')) # set normal font
self.add() # if empty add placeholder
if self.get() == self.text: # clear the placeholder if starts typing
self.bind('<Key>', self.clear)
self.icursor(-1) # keep insertion cursor to the end
def ret(self): # custom method to get the text
if self.get() == self.text:
return None
return self.get()
def ins(self, index, string): # custom method to insert into entry
self.insert(index, string)
def remove(self, first, last): # custom method to remove from entry
if self.get() != self.text:
self.delete(first, last)
def cursor(self, *args): # method to not allow user to move cursor when placeholder there
if self.get() == self.text:
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
plc = PlaceholderEntry(root,placeholder='Type')
You can reproduce the issue by typing in Type on the box and its going to remove the further insertion because it mistakes the entry to be a placeholder.
Thanks in advance :D
Since you have a custom class, it's easy to set a flag when you add the placeholder text, and easy to unset it when you remove the placeholder. Then it's just a matter of checking whether or not the flag is set when you get the value.
def add(self, *args):
if self.get() == '': # if no text add placeholder
self._has_placeholder = True
def clear(self, *args):
if self.get() == self.text: # remove placeholder when focus gain
self._has_placeholder = False