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Groovy spock test isn't stubbing correctly -- receiving null

For some reason (I'm not very good with Spock and am new to mocking & stubbing) I can't get a particular method to stub with what I want.

I've shortened things down a bit, but basically I have a list of books returned from a search. Each book has a workId. There may be older or newer editions of the book, but they all have the same workId -- If a user chooses, they can grab all those other editions.


Class: Edition

class Edition {
    //some strings, ints, and booleans -- information about the edition

Class: EditionResults for grabbing additional editions of a single work

class EditionResults {
    List<Edition> editionsList
    String parentWorkId

And one final class: BulkEditions for packaging multiple works (10 books on a search result page)

class BulkEditions {
    List<EditionResults> bulkEditions

This controller is where I'm having trouble

class EditionsController {

    private EditionsService editionsService
    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EditionsController)

    @RequestMapping(value = '/bulkeditions', produces = 'application/json')
    ResponseEntity<BulkEditions> getBulkEditions(
        @RequestParam(value = 'workIds') Set<String> workIds
    ) throws Exception
        BulkEditions newBulkEditions = new BulkEditions(bulkEditions: [])
        workIds.each { workId ->
            EditionResults editions = editionsService.searchEditions(workId)
   "EditionResults {}", editions
            if (editions?.editionsList) {
                newBulkEditions.bulkEditions << editions
        new ResponseEntity<BulkEditions>(newBulkEditions, HttpStatus.OK)

particularly, i'm having trouble testing the true branch of editions?.editionsList -- for some reason I keep receiving null for editions

Here's what my test looks like (it always passes, but clover coverage is failing)

class EditionsControllerSpec extends Specification {

    private final EditionsService editionsService = Mock(EditionsService)
    private static final Set<String> WORK_ID_SET = '12345' as Set<String>
    private static final String SINGULAR_WORK_ID = '12345'

    private final EditionsController controller = new EditionsController(editionsService: editionsService)

    void 'test get bulk editions'() {
        EditionResults editionResults = Mock(EditionResults)
        Edition edition = GroovyMock(Edition) //it's a java class
        edition.isAvailable >> true
        //edition.bunchOfOtherProps >> randomValues

        editionResults.editionsList >> [edition]
        editionResults.parentWorkId >> SINGULAR_WORK_ID
        editionsService.searchEditions(SINGULAR_WORK_ID) >> editionResults

        ResponseEntity<BulkLocalEditions> response = controller.getBulkEditions(WORK_ID_SET)


My problem is this part:

editionsService.searchEditions(SINGULAR_WORK_ID) >> editionResults

I don't understand why I keep getting this back (from my logger)

[Test worker] INFO [EditionsController:100] [doCall] EditionResults ***null***

My understanding is that editionsService.searchEditions(SINGULAR_WORK_ID) >> editionResults is equivalent to saying "When we hit this searchEditions method, make its result editionResults" -- which we've already populated.... so how is it null?

I've tried being as detailed and clean as I can with the question, simplifying for brevity, but please let me know if there's any additional info needed -- and of course thanks in advance.

Also worth noting that it actually works on my local and everything comes back correctly -- it's just this clover coverage getting me


  • Thanks to @tim_yates

    editionsService.searchEditions(SINGULAR_WORK_ID) >> editionResults should have been in my then block