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Download Solr Collection config from specific directory on ZK

We have Solr collections' config details in a specific directory on Zookeeper. Below is the directory structure on zookeeper;


I am trying to download the configuration of collections using downconfig utility. Following is the command I am using;

bin/solr zk downconfig -n conf_name -d /home/ec2-user/solr-8.1.0/server/solr/configsets  -z zk-dev-1:2181,zk-dev-2:2181,zk-dev-3:2181

The command fails to execute with below error,

ERROR: Error downloading files from zookeeper path /configs/test_vector to /home/ec2-user/solr-8.1.0/server/solr/configsets/conf

ERROR - 2020-09-30 15:11:23.778; org.apache.solr.util.SolrCLI; Could not complete downconfig operation for reason: Error downloading files from zookeeper path /configs/test_vector to /home/ec2-user/solr-8.1.0/server/solr/configsets/conf

I suspect the path for config is incorrect as the actual path is app_name/dev/configs/collection_name while the error suggests the path is only configs/collection_name but I am not sure if that's the error.

Appreciate the help!


  • If you're not using the default /solr path inside ZK, you should be able to change it using


    This is also required for any configuration of a SolrCloud compatible (i.e. Zookeeper-aware) client or other operations that interact with Zookeeper.