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Arrow function in AddEventListener not working


<input type="button" id="hider" value="Click to hide">

Why this works:


function hide() {


BUT, why this doesn't work:

hider.addEventListener('click', () => this.hidden=true);


  • Because this in your arrow function doesn't point to the <input> element. It points to the scope wherein the arrow function was created. Read about it on MDN.

    EDIT: Answer to question in comments

    In your case, if you want to use an arrow function in your event listener, just re-use the hider variable instead of this:

    hider.addEventListener('click', () => {
      // use "hider" instead of "this"
      hider.hidden = true;

    Taking it further

    If you'd want to create an "element-agnostic" event handler, make it a higher order function that takes in the element to hide as a parameter and that returns an (here: anonymous) handler function. If this sounds cryptic to you, here's some example code:

    const makeHideHandler = (element) => { // higher order function
      return () => {                       // event handler function
        element.hidden = true;             // action to perform

    With this, you can write a one liner to add the listener:

    hider.addEventListener('click', makeHideHandler(hider));

    If you want to know why it works, google for "closures".

    However, the real strength of the higher order function approach becomes visible if you have more than one element that should hide the same (or other!) element(s). Consider the following:

    Let's say, you have multiple buttons that, when pressed, should hide the same element. It's easy peas with makeHideHandler:

    // grab all "button" elements
    const hideButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.hide-button');
    // grab the element to hide
    const elemToHide = document.querySelector('.hide-me');
    // make the handler, pass in the element that should be hidden
    const hideHandler = makeHideHandler(elemToHide);
    // add listeners to the buttons
    hideButtons.forEach((button) => {
      button.addEventListener('click', hideHandler);

    Or to create buttons that hide themself after pressing:

    const hideButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.hide-button');
    hideButtons.forEach((button) => {
      button.addEventListener('click', makeHideHandler(button)); // <-- pass in the button element