We have a Perl app which runs under Apache on Solaris using CGI::Application. That's all running fine. We'd like to get access to the USER_ID variable passed by the IE browser, and do some Database queries and LDAP queries.
I've looked at the Apache documentation and I can't figure out how to achieve this. We don't have internet access (it's an intranet) from the solaris servers so we need to compile everything ourselves.
Does anyone have a check list (or tutorial) of what Apache needs (modules/plugins) in order to achieve this, and how it should be configured?
There are mod_ntlm and mod_ldap plugins for apache which you can use to authenticate.
In your case, i'd assume that you actually do want to use mod_ntlm and ldap or "active directory" is only its backend?
Here's on tutorial that covers the setting up phase: http://sivel.net/2007/05/sso-apache-ad-1/
Compilation phase in the tutorial is aimed for rpm based linux platform though but twiki has some more info about compiling for solaris10 here: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/NtlmForSolaris10#How_to_build_your_own_mod_ntlm_b