ive just updated Magento to 2.4 all went well but when i put Magento into dev mode i got the error
Element 'plugin', attribute 'sortorder': The attribute 'sortorder' is not allowed. Line: 14
Fatal error: Uncaught Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException: Invalid Document Element 'plugin', attribute 'sortorder': The attribute 'sortorder' is not allowed. Line: 14 in /home/public_html/staging/vendor/magento/framework/Config/Reader/Filesystem.php:169 Stack trace: #0
i have been to the file location for the error but can not find anything or any answers online
many thanks
You've got an error in one of your projects di.xml files.
It seems you need to either correct or remove the sort order attribute in a plugin definition, eg.
<plugin name="my_plugin_name" type="Vendor\Module\Plugin\PluginA" sortorder="10" />
Should be (notice the camel case sortOrder)
<plugin name="vendor_module_plugina" type="Vendor\Module\Plugin\PluginA" sortOrder="10" />