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Add decimal after x digit R

I have a dataframe with coordinates (SWEREF_99, proj 3006) and realized that a lot of the coordinates have the wrong format.

For northern coordinates, they always have seven digits before a comma, and eastern coordinates have six digits before comma, then decimal digits. Like: 6789654.234 (north). However, my coordinates look like this; 6789654234. This means that I want to enter a comma/dot between digit 4 and 2.

I have tried formatC and format but when I use that I add multiple commas, such as 678.965.423.4 or just adds zeros after deciamal.

test <- format(data$North, 7, nsmall = 0)

Here´s a dataframe with imaginary coordinates, but it describes my data well.

data <- data.frame(North = c(678645345, 675836578, 6573645.786), East = c(354674.47, 37465434, 4263546))

As you can see, some of my coordinates look good, they have seven digits for north coordinates, and six digits for east coordinates. So these I don't want to change, but only the ones that do not include a comma.

Have anyone experience the same problem?


  • You can use regex to insert a decimal point at a particular position :

    transform(data, North = sub('(.{7})\\.?(.*)', '\\1.\\2', North), 
                    East = sub('(.{6})\\.?(.*)', '\\1.\\2', East))
    #        North      East
    #1  6786453.45 354674.47
    #2  6758365.78 374654.34
    #3 6573645.786  426354.6

    We divide data in 2 capture groups.

    The first capture group (.{7}) - captures first 7 characters

    \\.? - an optional decimal place if present is ignored after that.

    The second capture group ((.*)) is everything after that.

    We return the two captures groups with backreference adding a "." between them ('\\1.\\2').

    The same logic is applied for East column.