i'm just starting to learn how to use html5 and css3, and I came across with this problem:
Is there a way to select other element while other is on :taget with css?
Let me explain with an example:
<nav id="menu">
<ul id="buttons">
<li><a href="#">button</a></li>
<li><a href="#">button</a></li>
<section id="one">
The idea is to put #menu on target and make #one, for example, change it's color. I had read about "siblings selectors" (+ and ~ i think) is that a possible solution if both elements are sons of the body?
Sorry for my english, it's not my native lenguage. Thanks in advance!
First of all validate your HTML code
there is no </ul>
close tag.
tag no need in <li>
<nav id="menu">
<ul id="buttons">
<section id="one">
How can use :target
The :target CSS pseudo-class represents a unique element (the target element) with an id matching the URL's fragment.
/* Selects an element with an ID matching the current URL's fragment */
:target {
border: 2px solid black;
For example, the following URL has a fragment (denoted by the # sign) that points to an element called section2:
The following element would be selected by a :target
selector when the current URL is equal to the above:
<section id="section2">Example</section>
Working Demo
:target {
color: #00cc00;
<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
<li><a href="#p1">Jump to the first paragraph!</a></li>
<li><a href="#p2">Jump to the second paragraph!</a></li>
<li><a href="#nowhere">This link goes nowhere,
because the target doesn't exist.</a></li>
<h3>My Fun Article</h3>
<p id="p1">You can target <i>this paragraph</i> using a
URL fragment. Click on the link above to try out!</p>
<p id="p2">This is <i>another paragraph</i>, also accessible
from the links above. Isn't that delightful?</p>