I try to use snakemake on LSF with LSF profile, but only one job is submitted when using a wildcard.
Submitted job 1 with external jobid '660343 logs/cluster/try_expand/unique/jobid1_4530cab3-d29c-485d-8d46-871fb7042e50.out'.
Below is a minimal example run with
snakemake --profile lsf -s try.smk 2> `date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"`_snakemake_try.log --latency-wait 20
CHROMOSOMES = [ 20, 21, 22]
rule targets:
expand("try/chr{chromosome}.GATK_calls.indels.PASS.common_var_2.bcf", chromosome=CHROMOSOMES)
rule try_expand:
threads: 6
expand("try/chr{chromosome}.GATK_calls.indels.PASS.common_var_2.bcf", chromosome=CHROMOSOMES)
touch {output}
The log file of the above command is here. I suspect this has been the reason for OutputException when running larger tasks that takes a long time to complete the first wildcard.
Waiting at most 20 seconds for missing files.
MissingOutputException in line 22 of extraction.smk:
Missing files after 20 seconds:
How can I avoid the OutputException and submit each wildcard item as a job? Thanks!
You're confusing a wildcard and a variable of the expand function. Your rule try_expand
has the three files defined in output, hence it will only be run once to produce all your targets. In the output, {chromosome}
is not a wildcard but a placeholder for the second argument of the expand function.
What you probably want is:
CHROMOSOMES = [ 20, 21, 22]
rule targets:
expand("try/chr{chromosome}.GATK_calls.indels.PASS.common_var_2.bcf", chromosome=CHROMOSOMES)
rule try_expand:
threads: 6
touch {output}
Note that if you need to use a wildcard in an expand function, you have to double the {}
output: expand("{path}/chr{{chromosome}}.GATK_calls.indels.PASS.common_var_2.bcf", path="/my/path")
Here, {path}
is a place holder defined in the second argument of the expand function, {{chromosome}}
is a wildcard.