We recently acquired mobile solution that contains an ios and android project. Android project runs fine. When i run the ios project i get error stating
My environment is a windows laptop and a macbook pro running visual studio from windows.
In the videos i watched as soon as mac was paired then more options appeared besides just simulator. (ipad, tvos, etc)
One question is when i registered my device i used the UUID from the macbook and not UUID of simulator. Could not get straight answer for this.
To be clear i am just trying to run the simulator and not a remote device.
Honestly i just want to be able to test the ios application. It should not be this many steps to just run a test. Is there a more simple way to test or am i on the right track?
Updating visual studio on my windows machine did the trick. I really wish the error would give me some kind of warning that would lead me to the conclusion that i needed to update visual studio. That would have saved me many hours.