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how to add a set of SOS1 constraint in pyomo

I am solving an optimization problem where I need to assign a carton type to every product, and determine how many cartons of the corresponding type should be used. Every product can be assigned to only 1 carton type. How many units of a specific product a carton of a specific type can hold is known.

I have created decision variables as follows:

import pyomo.environ as pyo
model = pyo.ConcreteModel(name="Pack_size_optim")
model.dv_prod_carton = pyo.Var(prod, cartons, within=pyo.NonNegativeIntegers)

prod, cartons are the lists having unique products and carton types

Now, for my problem, what I want is decision variables : for each product across all carton types should be a SOS 1 set, i.e. for every product only one carton type should have > 0 value.

I was trying something like below, but it is not working :

for i in prod:    
    pyo.SOSConstraint(var = [model.dv_prod_carton[i, j] for j in cartons], sos = 1)

I think var argument in the pyo.SOSConstraint function above should be an 'IndexedVar', but instead I have a list of variables.

Can anybody please help me in what I am trying to achieve above. Thank you.


  • There are (at least) four ways to model this:

    I was able to get SOS1 variables to work by explicitly specifying .ref and .sosno suffices. I am sure there are better ways, but at least this seems to work:

    # SOS1 test with concrete model
    import pyomo.environ as pyo
    model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
    model.x = pyo.Var([1,2], domain=pyo.PositiveReals, bounds=(0,1))
    model.OBJ = pyo.Objective(expr = model.x[1] + model.x[2],sense=pyo.maximize)
    # don't exactly know how to get these approaches to work
    #pyo.SOSConstraint(var = [model.x[1], model.x[2]], sos = 1)
    #model.sos_constraint = pyo.SOSConstraint(var = model.x, sos = 1)
    #Message: Solver does not support SOS level 1 constraints 
    model.sosno = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.EXPORT)
    model.ref = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.EXPORT)
    # Add entry for each index of model.x
    model.sosno.set_value(model.x, 1)
    model.ref[model.x[1]] = 1
    model.ref[model.x[2]] = 2
    # if SOS1 works correctly solution should have one of x[1],x[2] nonzero
    # indeed we see with Cplex:
    # 'Objective': {'OBJ': {'Value': 1.0}}, 'Variable': {'x[1]': {'Value': 1.0}}

    This is a bit as you would do this in AMPL.