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Customizing order of data in GridLayoutManager for Recyclerview

Currently I am using GridLayoutManager for my RecyclerView. The span is 2 and orientation is horizontal like below

  var myRecyclerView RecyclerView?
  myRecyclerView?.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context, 2, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false)

  var myAdapter MyAdapter?
  myAdapter?.items = myItemList

  myRecyclerView?.adapter = myAdapter

In this case the way data gets laid out as below

  0, 3
  1, 4
  2, 5  

However, the requirement is that the date should be ordered as below

  0, 1
  2, 3
  4, 5  

I looked at GridLayoutManager or Adapter to manipulate the order but couldn't find one. Also, I can't sort on specific attribute of items to achieve this order.

Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.



  • To Add to @Awm4n's anser above, I needed to add correct span count (2 in this case) and orientation as LayoutManager.VERTICAL. That did the trick.