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How to get trained ranges for membership functions in anfis.m of matlab?

I need to get ranges of membership functions of inputs in an anfis in matlab. I use the following code to train my network and successfully train the network. But what I need is to get the value of ranges that the network finds for membership functions of inputs. I mean if a membership function is a bell-shaped one, like gbellmf, it would have this formula (x)= exp{-((x-c)/a)^(2*b)} and I need to know the value of a, b and c after the network is trained.

function trainedfis = main(data,chkdata)
fis = genfis1(data,[3 3 3],char('gbellmf','gbellmf', 'gbellmf'));
[trainedfis,errors,stepssize,chkfis,errchk] = anfis(data,fis,3,[1 1 1 1],chkdata);

also my data is a three input and one output data (3 columns for input and 1 column for output). I use the built in genfis1 and anfis of matlab.


  • You can access all parameters of j-th membership function of i-th input by:


    In the following example I trained fis for the Iris Data, which has 4 inputs. Then I used data stored in fismat to plot all membership functions:

    close all; clc; clear variable;
    %% import iris data
    [x, t] = iris_dataset;
    y = t(1, :)*1 + t(1, :)*2 + t(3, :)*3;
    data = [x' y'];
    %% train fis moddel
    numMFs = [3 3 3 3];
    mfType = char('gbellmf','gbellmf', 'gbellmf', 'gbellmf');
    fismat = genfis1(data,numMFs,mfType);
    %% plot input membership function using plotmf
    subplot(2,2,1), plotmf(fismat,'input',1);
    subplot(2,2,2), plotmf(fismat,'input',2);
    subplot(2,2,3), plotmf(fismat,'input',3);
    subplot(2,2,4), plotmf(fismat,'input',4);
    %% plot input membership function manually, using fismat object
    % get number of inputs
    ni = numel(fismat.input);
    for i=1:ni
        % get total range of all mem-funs of i-th input
        range = fismat.input(i).range; 
        subplot(2, 2, i);
        xlabel(['input ' num2str(i)]);
        xlim(range); hold on;
        x = linspace(range(1), range(2), 100);
        % get number of mem-funs of i-th input
        nmf = numel(fismat.input(i).mf);
        for j=1:nmf
            % get j-th mem-fun of i-th input
            mf = str2func(fismat.input(i).mf(j).type);
            % get parameters of j-th mem-fun of i-th input
            params = fismat.input(i).mf(j).params;
            y = mf(x, params);
            plot(x, y, 'displayname', ...
                [fismat.input(i).mf(j).type '(' num2str(params, '%.1f,') ')']);

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