I'm piddling around with an Arduino and I have next to no programming in C. In looking through some example code I came across this array variable declaration:
byte myArray[][6] = {"0"};
I get that this is declaring an array with unspecified rows and 6 columns. What I don't understand is the {"0"}. Upon the execution of this like of code, what will this variable contain?
The expression will initialize an array that looks like this:
| +----> myArray[0][1]
| |
myArray[0] -----> |'0'|'\0'| | | | |
As you don't specify the first dimension and you only initialze 1 line it defaults to byte myArray[1][6]
If you were to initialize your array with, for instance:
byte myArray[][6] = {"0", "1"};
Then it would be:
| +----> myArray[0][1]
| |
myArray[0] -----> |'0'|'\0'| | | | |
myArray[1] -----> |'1'|'\0'| | | | |
^ |
| |
myArray[1][0] |
In this case, because you initialize 2 lines, it defaults to byte myArray[2][6]