I've got a column in a WPF Telerik grid I need to restrict based on two things.
An IsEditable property on ViewModel and an IsManualChange property which is Property of the List the grid is bound on ...
I wrote a MultiBoolConvertor to handle this and implemented in the WPF as follows:
DataMemberBinding="{Binding HandHeldDifference.GRSSelection}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SelectionOptions}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MultiBoolConv}"
RelativeSource="{RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type StackPanel}}"
Path="DataContext.IsEditable" />
<Binding Path="IsManualChange" />
However the values that come into the Convertor are a bool (from the ViewModel) and a DependencyProperty.UnsetValue from the IsManualChange!
public object Convert(object[] values,
Type targetType,
object parameter,
CultureInfo culture)
var defaultReturn = false;
if (parameter != null)
bool.TryParse(parameter.ToString(), out defaultReturn);
if (values == null) return defaultReturn;
if (values.Length < 2) return defaultReturn;
if (values[0] is bool && values[1] is bool)
return ((bool) values[0]) && ((bool) values[1]);
return defaultReturn;
The second value obviously fails the "values[1] is bool" comparison
A clue maybe that the converter is only being called once, rather than per line as I'd expect.
Does anyone know how I can get this working please?
Turns out the Telerik grid binds the IsReadOnly to the ViewModel and you have to use IsReadOnlyBinding when you want to bind to an item in the ItemsSource!