How can we set a Navigation Bar at the bottom of the page in react native using View and components (if you want)!! with any tag of react-native npm - (/or else) you want!!
The Page Home :
---- your tags (Screens)----
let us to do this -->-->-->
let us use this tag (View) then set styles on it.
return (
<View style={styles.parantTagStyle}>
<View style={styles.footerTagStyle}>
<TabBottom navigatorFunction={this.navPages} headerTitle={this.state.headerTitle} />
and use this style :
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
parantTagStyle: {
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
footerTagStyle: {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0,