I have a query to get the number of insertions grouped by months. I have beberlei Doctrine extensions already installed and working, but the array return have the month number as key. How will be used in a chart line, I want to show the month name instead of month number.
What is the best way to do this?
This the query:
//get and format the current year
$date = new \DateTime();
$year = $date->format('Y');
//create query
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select(['MONTH(p.createdAt) as month', 'count(ccp) as insertions'])
->from(CareConnectPatient::class, 'ccp')
->join('ccp.person', 'p')
->where('YEAR(p.createdAt) = :year')->setParameter('year', $year);
return $qb->getQuery()->getScalarResult();
And I do that with that result:
`$countMonths = count($cCPatientGroupedByMonth);
for ($count = 0; $count<$countMonths; $count++){
$arrayKeyAsMonth[$cCPatientGroupedByMonth[$count]['month']] = $cCPatientGroupedByMonth[$count]['insertions'];
What gives me something like this:
array:3 [
4 => "1",
8 => "2",
9 => "2"
I what to know the best way to make this appear as:
array:3 [
april => "1",
august => "2",
september => "2"
Sorry for bad english and thanks!
have you tried using MONTHNAME() function?
instead of:
$qb->select(['MONTH(p.createdAt) as month', 'count(ccp) as insertions'])
$qb->select(['MONTHNAME(p.createdAt) as month', 'count(ccp) as insertions'])