users are supposed to drop folders in a directory
string sourcepath
how to check if all folders and files in the directory have correct format of "numbers space numbers space numbers space" such as "123 456 789" I would thing the pseudocode would be something like this:
DirectoryInfo parentFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath);
foreach (DirectoryInfo folder in parentFolderInfo.GetDirectories())
if (sourcepath == "correct name")
FileInfo[] filesInSource = folder.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo file in filesInSource)
if (file == "correct name")
//do something
//return box "the folder name is wrong please try again
//return box "the folder name is wrong please try again
I think we have to use regular expression for this. thank you
static string pattern = "((.*))([(.*)^\\s])([^\\(_.*)]+)([^\\s]+)";//change the regex ass needed
static Match result;
static string formatname = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo parentFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath);
foreach (DirectoryInfo folder in foldersInSource.GetDirectories())//This loops through all folders from path
formatname = fileNameVaild.Name;//This gets the folder name
result = Regex.Match(fileNameVaild.Name, pattern);//This compares the two values
if (result.Value == formatname)
return false;//if values != then return false.
I hope this gets someone started.