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PowerShell implementing -AsJob for a cmdlet

Is there a nice way to implement the switch parameter -AsJob in custom cmdlets, like Invoke-Command has?

The only way I thought about this is:

function Use-AsJob {
   param (
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


   # Wrap Script block in a variable
   $myScriptBlock = {
       # stuff
   if ($AsJob) {
       Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $myScriptBlock -AsJob
   else {
       Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $myScriptBlock

Is there a better approach? I couldn't find Microsoft docs on this, any lead helps.


  • If we make the following assumptions:

    • Command is a script function
    • Function does not rely on module state

    Then you can use the following boilerplate for any command:

    function Test-AsJob {
            [string]$Parameter = '123',
        if ($AsJob) {
            # Remove the `-AsJob` parameter, leave everything else as is
            # Start new job that executes a copy of this function against the remaining parameter args
            return Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
                $cmd = [scriptblock]::Create($myFunction)
                & $cmd @argTable 
            } -ArgumentList $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition,$PSBoundParameters
        # here is where we execute the actual function
        return "Parameter was '$Parameter'"

    Now you can do either:

    PS C:\> Test-AsJob
    Parameter was '123'
    PS C:\> Test-AsJob -AsJob |Receive-Job -Wait
    Parameter was '123'