Whilst i am using Saxon java api to execute the following xQuery, i am unable to understand why the following execution / validation fails ? (Interestingly , when i replace and
clause with or
in the if statement, the query validation is successful but am unable to understand this behaviour )
In oxygen xml validator, when i open the xQuery, i get NullPointerException-null
exception and the validation fails.
And in java , i get the following area
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.markDependencies(LoopLifter.java:168)
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(LoopLifter.java:112)
I am looking up for some experts to help me understand why the following fails.
Following is the xQuery,
declare function local:method($input as element(input)) as element(output)
for $i in 1 to count($input/*:foo)
for $j in 1 to count($input/*:bar)
if((data($input/*:foo[$i]/*:itemB[1]/*:rangeQualifier)="A") and (data($input/*:foo[$i]/*:serviceId/*:type)="B") ) then
declare variable $input as element(input) external;
implementation 'net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE:10.2'
implementation 'net.sf.saxon:saxon-xqj:'
Sample Snippet that i tried
Processor saxon = new Processor(false);
// compile the query
XQueryCompiler compiler = saxon.newXQueryCompiler();
XQueryExecutable exec;
ClassLoader classLoader = MessageProcessor.class.getClassLoader();
exec = compiler.compile(new File(classLoader.getResource("Xquery.xqy").getFile()));
Source src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(Files.readString( Paths.get(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(inputfile.xml").toURI()))));
XdmNode doc = builder.build(src);
// instantiate the query, bind the input and evaluate
XQueryEvaluator query = exec.load();
query.setExternalVariable(new QName("input"), doc.select(child("input")).asNode());
XdmValue result = query.evaluate();
Irrespective of the java code when i open the xquery in Oxygen XML editor (that uses Saxon-PE XQuery
engine) , i get the following validation error.
It is indeed a Saxon optimisation bug. The problem occurs when Saxon attempts to rewrite
for $j in 1 to count($input/bar)
return if ($input/foo[$i]/data = 'A' and $input/baz[$i]/type = 'B')
then <result/>
else ()
if ($input/foo[$i]/data = 'A' and $input/baz[$i]/type = 'B')
then for $j in 1 to count($input/bar)
return <result/>
else ()
and you can work around the problem by doing this rewrite "by hand". The purpose of the rewrite is to prevent the unnecessary repeated evaluation of the "if" condition, which is the same each time round the loop.
The reason it's dependent on the "and" condition is that Saxon considers each term of the "and" as a separate candidate for promoting outside the loop, and when it finds that all these terms can be promoted, it reconstitutes the "and" expression from its parts, and the bug occurs during this reconstitution.