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SQL JOIN - Selecting only records that meet ALL criteria in a 1-to-many relationship

This is a sybase database, which follows t-sql syntax (same/similar to MSSQL).

I have 2 tables, cases and insurance.

CASES              insurance
-----              ---------
casenum            ins_id

Each case number has multiple associated insurance entries, and each of these insurance entries has a date resolved field.

What I'm trying to do, is return ONLY case numbers where ALL associated insurance entries have date_resolved = null.
What I'm getting is case numbers and the associated insurance entries that are null.

For example, if a case number has 3 insurance entries, 2 of which have a null date_resolved, but 1 does have a value in date_resolved, my query will return the case number because the 2 entries are null.

Here's what I've tried:

select casenum
from cases
left join (select date_resolved from insurance where date_resolved is null) ins
on ins.case_num = cases.casenum

select casenum
from cases
inner join insurance on cases.casenum = insurance.case_num
where insurance.date_resolved is null

I'm sorry if this is a beginner's mistake, I've searched the board and have found many similar questions, but none that seem to address my problem.

EDIT - Using one of the answers provided below, I incorporated it into my query and ended up with something like this (which I believe, works):

select casenum, *other stuff*
from cases
inner join (select i.case_num from insurance i group by i.case_num having max(date_resolved) is null) ins
on ins.case_num = cases.casenum
where *other stuff from cases table*
and *more stuff from cases table*

I really appreciate it!


  • One method is aggregation:

    select i.case_num
    from insurance i
    group by i.case_num
    having max(date_resolved) is null;

    Or, you can use not exists:

    select c.*
    from cases c
    where not exists (select 1
                      from insurance i
                      where i.case_num = c.case_num and i.date_resolved is not null

    Note that these are not equivalent. The second returns cases that have no rows in insurance.