I'm developing an app with Quasar, it compiles to Cordova app so I can run it on my phone. The weird thing is that I have that error only on my phone, without errors in console and only on the first load when app was installed.
I have a simple query
apollo: {
receipts: {
loadingKey: "loading",
and my component data is:
loading = 0;
emitLoading(val) {
variables: { loading: !!val }
But the thing is when query cannot fetch anything (no data in DB), I get infinite loading. Should I fix with apollo error hook? And if yes how do I access loading data for the hook?
The solution wasn't obvious at all. I needed to change my route path for that page (homeManagement). Previously I had:
path: "/",
component: () => import("layouts/main-layout.vue"),
meta: { requiresAuth: true },
children: [
path: "",
name: "homeManagement",
component: () => import("pages/home-management/index.vue")
And now I have:
path: "/",
component: () => import("layouts/main-layout.vue"),
meta: { requiresAuth: true },
children: [
path: "home",
name: "homeManagement",
component: () => import("pages/home-management/index.vue")
I didn't figured out why is that. And btw path: "/"
for homeManagement also gives me that issue with loading.