I would like to highlight the part of text that this query found:
Exemple 1:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE columnA regexp 'work.{0,10}john.{0,10}smith'
Highlight: "I have been working for John Joe Smith for the last 5 years"
Exemple 2:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE columnA regexp 'jo.{0,10}ba.{0,10}tur'
Highlight: "I have been working for Joseph Balsora Turgeon for the last 5 years"
I need to find the start position for highlighting in the string, I can figure out the end no problem.
I don't have a clue even after some research.
Thanks, Andy
Just apply the same regular expression in php. E.g.:
$str = "I have been working for John Joe Smith for the last 5 years";
// Assuming you get the $str from the database
$highlighted = preg_replace('/work.{0,10}john.{0,10}smith/iu', '<b>\0</b>', $str);
print $highlighted;
// I have been <b>working for John Joe Smith</b> for the last 5 years
Note, you need to enclose the regular expression in some pair of symbols (like /
in the example above). In the end there are modifiers. i
allows to perform case-insensitive match, u
allows to work with Unicode strings/
also probably you can perform the same replacement directly in MySQL:
select REGEXP_REPLACE('I have been working for John Joe Smith for the last 5 years','work.{0,10}john.{0,10}smith','<b>\\0</b>') ...