I have two lists x and y:
x <- list(id1 = list(a = list(t = 5)), id2 = list(a = list(t = 1), b = list(t = 3)), id3 = list(a = list(t = 1), b = list(t = 2)))
y <- list(b = list(k = 7))
I need to modify x list and add corresponding "b" elements from y list to obtain z list:
z <- list(id1 = list(a = list(t = 5)), id2 = list(a = list(t = 1), b = list(t = 3, k = 7)),
id3 = list(a = list(t = 1), b = list(t = 2, k = 7)))
I try to use list_modify(x, y)
and list_merge(x, !!!y)
from purrr
package but obtain wrong result.
How to do this in R?
In this case you could do:
result <- lapply(x, function(i) {
if("b" %in% names(i)) i$b <- append(i$b, y$b); i;
Such that
identical(result, z)
#> [1] TRUE