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How to set boolean validation in typeorm and nest.js

I developed apps by nest.js and typeorm. The entity is validated like following.

I have some question about boolean validation.


export class EventRequest {
    id: number;
    userId: number;
    title: string;
    date: Date;
    islastDate: boolean;


  export class Event extends BaseEntity {
    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('increment', { type: 'int' })
    id: number;
    @ManyToOne(type => User, user =>
    readonly user?: User;
    userId: User;

    title: string;
    date: Date;
    isLastdate: boolean;

I send following request to server


The following error was returned. What should I set to boolean value ?

    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": [
        "islastDate must be a boolean value"
    "error": "Bad Request"

Here is my DB generated above entity.

mysql> desc events;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default              | Extra          |
| id         | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL                 | auto_increment |
| title      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| date       | date         | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| place      | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| detail     | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| createdAt  | datetime(6)  | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) |                |
| updatedAt  | datetime(6)  | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) |                |
| deletedAt  | datetime(6)  | YES  |     | NULL                 |                |
| beginTime  | time         | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| endTime    | time         | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| labelCd    | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |
| userId     | int(11)      | YES  | MUL | NULL                 |                |
| isLastdate | tinyint(4)   | NO   |     | NULL                 |                |

Are there something wrong with my understand ?

What is boolean value ?



  • There is a typo in your request data, you have islastDate: boolean; in your DTO and isLastdate: boolean; in your entity file. Change one to match the other and you should be fine.