I am trying to split a string and make part of the string capitalised. however the first letter of the first word must stay lowercase. Ideally a regex that would split the string and know to capitalise the rest of that word, before splitting the string for the next word.
for example:
let a = "appleController"
I need a to then change to:
'aPPLE Controller' or 'aPPLE controller'
Here is the full function so you can have an idea of what it is doing:
//download chart as pdf for blades
function saveAsPDF(ID) {
let canvas = document.querySelector('#' + ID); //Charts ID
//creates image
let canvasImg = canvas.toDataURL("image/png", 1.0); //Changing the image file to JPEG will result in the PDF having a black background
//creates PDF from img
let doc = new jsPDF('landscape'); // page orientation.
doc.setFontSize(12); //Edit the font size that appears on the PDF.
if(chartID !='appleController') {
doc.text(15, 15, chartID.replace(/^[a-z]|[A-Z]/g, function(v, i) {
return i === 0 ? v.toUpperCase() : " " + v.toLowerCase()}));
} else {
doc.text(15, 15, 'aPPLE Controller'); //eMAR Signoffs gets it own casing
doc.addImage(canvasImg, 'PNG', 10, 20, 280, 150 ); // push right, push down, stretch horizontal, stretch vertical
doc.save( chartID +'.pdf');
window.saveAsPDF = saveAsPDF
Currently, ''aPPLE Controller' is hardcoded in but ideally I would like for it to done similarly to how the regex above works.
With a callback argument to replace
let a = "appleController"
let res = a.replace(/^[a-z]+/, m => m[0] + m.slice(1).toUpperCase() + " ");