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Maya Python: Make Playblast and export it to the folder "movies" in my set project

I'm trying to make a playblast by just making one single button on my UI, when you click on it, it exports the playblast with all the settings already setup, but now I want to export the playblast on the "movies" that is on my set Project.

I tried to make a path = cmds.workspace (query=True, dir=True) but it doesn't seem to work.


  • You can use the filerule of your project to find your movie location, here is an example to find the cache location if it has been set in your project :

    workspace = cmds.workspace(fileRuleEntry='fileCache')
    directory = cmds.workspace(en=workspace )

    You should be abe to replace fileCache by your movie entry (I don't remember the spelling for movies inside the maya project)