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Laravel 7 Api incomplete?

I started with Laravel 7 a few weeks ago. It happened to me multiple times that after reading about a topic on the Laravel website, I wanted to check the details of a function, for example:


So I went to the Laravel API, and could find the Route facade, but not the group function.

What am I doing wrong? Where do you check for example the exact signature of a function?



  • The method group in Route::group() is inherited from another class, RegistrarGroup.

    See the docblock method in the source file, vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Route.php:

    @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router|\Illuminate\Routing\RouteRegistrar group(\Closure|string|array $attributes, \Closure|string $routes)

    so, this is what you look for in the API documentation: