I have been reading the documentation of this new SaaS offering, but I do not see any mention about being able to send a message to the device, eg: to switch ON/OFF an equipment.
I do see there is a provision to change the settings of the device, by being able to alter device-twin.
Also, I read there is a way to send an "echo" to the device. But, these don't serve my exact purpose.
So, is there a way I can send a C2D message, using the connection-string, which can be built using the routine-? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-central/tutorial-add-device#prepare-the-client-code
I would like to send this C2D through an AzureFunction, but it would be good to know if this can be somehow integrated into the IoT-Central UI.
Any other inputs to achieve my requirement (switch ON/OFF an equipment) would be a great help too!
An API is now available to achieve this: