So I created a starter Gatsby site by following this:
I have some simple content on GraphCMS:
I am trying to query GraphCMS to return all the page posts. When experimenting with GraphiQL locally I use this query:
query PageQuery {
allGraphCmsPage {
nodes {
Which returns exactly what I want
In my index.js I am querying graphCMS with this code:
const {graphCmsPage = {}} = useStaticQuery (graphql`
query PageQuery {
allGraphCmsPage {
nodes {
When I console.log it or try to reference any of the properties, they are all null/(the object being returned itself is a proto)
I am very new to GraphQL & Gatsby so I imagine I am not resolving something properly.
When using a page query, your data is stored under
object. In your case it will be:
The whole code should look like:
import React from 'react'
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
const HomePage = ({data}) => {
return (
export const query = graphql`
query PageQuery {
allGraphCmsPage {
nodes {
export default HomePage
Keep in mind that you are using a static query (or the useStaticQuery
hook) instead of a page query, what I would suggest. Check the documentation about Static vs Normal queries for further information but basically, all retrieved data in top-level components should be gathered using a page query and all the metadata and another kind of static data should be fetched using a static query, speaking generally.