Specifically I have the following location:
location / {
root ...;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
add_header ....
server_tokens off;
# Does the order of the next 2 lines matter?
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass django;
I'm wondering if the order of the lines in it matters. And specifically about the 2 last lines.
I could not find any documentation that answered the question "does the order of directives in a location block matter?". However, through studying the examples in the Nginx uwsgi module document, as listed below:
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass localhost:9000;
location / {
uwsgi_pass backend;
uwsgi_cache cache_zone;
uwsgi_cache_key $uri;
uwsgi_cache_purge $purge_method;
location /fetch/ {
uwsgi_pass backend:9000;
uwsgi_store on;
uwsgi_store_access user:rw group:rw all:r;
uwsgi_temp_path /data/temp;
alias /data/www/;
I guess that the order of the uwsgi_pass
directive and other uwsgi_param
directives inside the uwsgi_params
file is not important. As you see, the uwsgi_pass
directive can be at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a block.
Furthermore, in the article that explains how to use NGINX as an application gateway with uWSGI and Django, the uwsgi_pass
directive can also lie between uwsgi_param
directives, as follows:
location /main {
include /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass django;
uwsgi_param Host $host;
uwsgi_param X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
uwsgi_param X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
uwsgi_param X-Forwarded-Proto $http_x_forwarded_proto;
Based on my experience when setting up PHP websites with FastCGI, the order of the directives doesn't matter. However, if you declare the same directive more than once inside a block, the last declared directive will take effect.