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How to copy guide lines in The Gimp?

Is it possible to copy guide lines from one image to another?
I need this because I have several images that need exactly the same composition, so I want to use the guide lines for this.
There's no option to select & copy a guide line, so I must add them manually.

It would be nice, if there's a little script-fu script.

Okay, there are some interesting functions I found:

(gimp-image-find-next-guide image index)
(gimp_image_add_hguide image xposition)
(gimp_image_add_vguide image yposition)
(gimp_image_get_guide_orientation image guide)
(gimp_image_get_guide_position image guide)

Thanks in advance!


  • I'd really like to help you but I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do. Could you edit the question to provide more details?

    At a guess (pending more information) are you looking for something like this?

    guide = 0
    while guide = gimp_image_find_next_guide (image_1,guide) != 0
         position = gimp_image_get_guide_position (image_1,guide)
         if gimp_image_get_guide_orientation (image_1,guide) == 0
              gimp_image_add_hguide (image_2,position)
              gimp_image_add_vguide (image_2,position)

    Note that this is pseudo-code, since the functions you mentioned seem to be part of an API that is using a syntax other than scheme-ish script fu.

    But the first question is what are you trying to accomplish? -- after that we can worry about the details of how.