export default {
input: 'src/main.sidebar.ts',
output: {
sourcemap: false,
format: 'iife',
name: 'sidebar',
file: 'public/build/sidebar.json'
I have a mini swelte app as a sidebar.
The rollup config above pipes the compiled output as is into a .json file.
How can I write (pardon the noobness of rollup here) a "middleware" that will grab the output and wrap into a simple json object?
I need to transport this JS code in a JSON payload.
You can use a plugin, those have several hooks you can define, in particular the generateBundle one will allow you to inspect the generated bundle. Then using this.emitFile plugin context function you can actually output your JSON. Here is an example
plugins: [
name: 'whatever',
generateBundle(outputOptions, bundle) {
const entry = Object.values(bundle).find((chunk) => chunk.isEntry);
type: 'asset',
fileName: 'entry.json',
source: JSON.stringify(entry.code)