I'm trying to find the most straightforward way to enumerate items in a list so that a user will not be burdened to type a long file name on a command line. The function below shows a user all .tgz and .tar files in a folder ... the user is then allowed to enter the name of the file he wants to extract. This is tedious and syntax-error prone for the user. I would like for a user to just select, say, a numeric value associated with the file (eg.. 1, 2, 3 etc.). Can someone give me some direction on this? Thanks!
def show_tgz():
for fname in dirlist:
if fname.endswith(('.tgz','.tar')):
print '\n'
print fname
You can enumerate the items, and print them with an index. You can use a mapping to show continuous numbers to the user, even if the actual indices have gaps:
def show_tgz():
count = 1
indexMapping = {}
for i, fname in enumerate(dirlist):
if fname.endswith(('.tgz','.tar')):
print '\n{0:3d} - {1}'.format(count, fname)
indexMapping[count] = i
count += 1
return indexMapping
You can then use indexMapping
to translate the userchoice to the correct index in dirlist