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creating bean of a class in Spring Boot application?

I am trying to excess Entity Manager directly from Spring boot application. But I am unable to create bean of a class containing methods which I need. I am referring from the following article.

ProductCategoryRepositoryCustom Intraface:-

public interface ProductCategoryRepositoryCustom {

   public void merge(ProductCategory productcategory);
   public ProductCategory find(int id);
   public void persist(ProductCategory productcategory);


ProductCategoryRepositoryImpl implements ProductCategoryRepositoryCustom :-

public class ProductCategoryRepositoryImpl implements ProductCategoryRepositoryCustom {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public void merge(ProductCategory productcategory) {

    public ProductCategory find(int id) {
        ProductCategory productCategory=entityManager.find(ProductCategory.class,id);
        return productCategory;

    public void persist(ProductCategory productcategory) {

Configuration Class:-

public class ProductConfig {
    public ProductCategoryRepositoryImpl productCategoryRepositoryImpl(){
        return new ProductCategoryRepositoryImpl();


After all these thing when I am trying to Auto-wire it with @Autowire annotation I am unable to access the methods which i have implemented.


  • You don't need a configuration class. Your Repository is a bean already due to @Component annotation.