I'm dealing with a big dataframe that has a number of columns I want to group by. I'd like to do something like this:
output <- df %>%
group_by(starts_with("GEN", ignore.case=TRUE),x,y) %>%
summarize(total=n()) %>%
is there a way to do this? Maybe with group_by_at or some other similar function?
To use starts_with()
in group_by()
, you need to wrap it in across()
. Here is an example using some built data.
mtcars %>%
group_by(across(starts_with("c"))) %>%
summarize(total = n()) %>%
# A tibble: 9 x 3
# Groups: cyl [3]
cyl carb total
<dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 4 2 6
2 8 4 6
3 4 1 5
4 6 4 4
5 8 2 4
6 8 3 3
7 6 1 2
8 6 6 1
9 8 8 1