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How does work for a case insensitive lookup in a TreeMap in Scala?

So, I had to implement a case insensitive look up for a Map and I used a TreeMap to achieve this:

val treeMap = TreeMap(someOtherMap.toArray: _*)(

and treeMap.get("FOo") and treeMap.get("foo") return the same results as expected. My question is, how does the ( additional parameter help in the get()? I'm looking at the source code here and it goes RB.get(key).

How does the additional exactly help in case-insensitive lookups? Does it take the lookup key, convert to lowercase, and look up keys in the Map in lowercase and then match and return the value? (Extremely naive explanation, I know but I can't seem to reason how otherwise)

New to Scala and hence trying to understand the internal workings here :)


  • If you dig a bit more into RB.get(key), which is an implementation of a Red-black Tree data structure, you'll see the following code in method scala.collection.immutable.RedBlackTree#lookup

      def lookup[A, B](tree: Tree[A, B], x: A)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): Tree[A, B] = if (tree eq null) null else {
        val cmp =, tree.key)
        if (cmp < 0) lookup(tree.left, x)
        else if (cmp > 0) lookup(tree.right, x)
        else tree

    It uses ordering to see if key tree.key is more or less than provided x key. In your case, the will return 0 when comparing foo and FOo because of _.toLowerCase and this will match the current node in the tree and the last else tree returns the value associated with key foo.