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Not able to import json file on google colab

I am trying to import json file for the first time on google colab. This file is getting imported on my jupyter notebook without causing any problem.

This is my code:-

df=pd.read_json("E:/Data Science/FlipRobo/Assignments/NLP Sept project/Cell_Phones_and_Accessories.json", orient='records',dtype='dict')

It is giving error as below:-

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-bb0b9f3e9bb6> in <module>()
----> 1 df=pd.read_json("E:/Data Science/FlipRobo/Assignments/NLP Sept project/Cell_Phones_and_Accessories.json", orient='records',dtype='dict')
      2 df.head()

5 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/json/ in _parse_no_numpy(self)
   1106         else:
   1107             self.obj = DataFrame(
-> 1108                 loads(json, precise_float=self.precise_float), dtype=None
   1109             )

ValueError: Expected object or value

Could someone help me with this?


  • You are trying to access a local file from a cloud service. First you have to upload you file to the colab environment.