Related to Counter when 2 values are most frequent
I made a demo list for the example, Running it with "for i in range (len(lines))":
from statistics import multimode
lines = [[0,1],[1,5],[1,3],[67,45],[98,23],[67,68],[23,2],[1,18],[23,67],[40,79],[40,234],[40,41],[41,51]]
most = multimode(item for sublist in lines for item in sublist)
for a in most:
del_connected = [bin for bin in lines if a in bin] # these connected to the maximum occured
for i, k in del_connected:
lines = [x for x in lines if k not in x]
lines = [x for x in lines if i not in x]
First round, there is only one occurred value "1", but in the second round there are 3: 41,23,67. That's why I did a for loop and matched "most" to "a" but del_connected prints the wrong values and so the "lines" list itself -->
>>[[67, 45], [67, 68], [23, 67]]
>>[[40, 79], [40, 234], [40, 41]]
How do I fix it's print when there are more than one frequent value?
Do you want something like this:
lines = ...
while len(lines) > 0:
most = multimode(item for sublist in lines for item in sublist)
connected = [
for bin in lines
for a in most
if a in bin
for i, k in connected:
lines = [
for bin in lines
if (i not in bin) or (k not in bin)