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AWS WAF: How to block requests that do not contain a particular header using Terraform

I want to block requests that do not contain Authorization header. I came up with the following rule but I see that the requests which do not contain this header are also being allowed. What is the correct way to specify this condition?

rule {
    name = "restrict-requests-without-authorization-header"
    priority = 2

    action {
      block {}

    statement {
      size_constraint_statement {
        field_to_match {
          single_header {
            name = "authorization"

        comparison_operator = "LE"
        size = 0
        text_transformation {
          priority = 0
          type = "NONE"

    visibility_config {
      cloudwatch_metrics_enabled = true
      metric_name = "restrict-requests-without-authorization-header-metrics"
      sampled_requests_enabled = true


  • You need to create a rule and a regex patter (can be a wildcard) like this:


    rule {
        name     = "AuthorizationHeaderRule"
        priority = 1
        action {
          allow {}
            statement {
              regex_pattern_set_reference_statement {
                arn = aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set.your_regex_pattern.arn
                field_to_match {
                  single_header {
                    name = "authorization"
                text_transformation {
                  priority = 2
                  type     = "NONE"

    And this can be the regex patter:

    resource "aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set" "your_regex_pattern" {
      name  = "your-regex-pattern"
      scope = "REGIONAL"
      regular_expression {
        regex_string = "prefix-.*"