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How to implement a filter on Yii 1.1 CGridView on data retrieved with join query

I'm trying to implement a filter on an admin view using 'zii.widgets.grid.CGridView'.

As the title says, the data is retrieved by a query (a quite complex one, it has 6 left joins actually), and is given to the widget a CArrayDataProvider.

The problem is that the widget needs a class to implement the filter. Is there a simple way to implement the filter? Should I create a class only for this purpose?

I tryed what is sugested in this post, but no filter was displayed for me to know if works.

Thank you!


  • I found a work arround on this issue.

    What I ended up doung was a javascript/jquery implementation of the filter, using datatables package.

    <table class="table table-striped table-hover" id="extendedTable">
        <?php foreach ($myData as $data) { ?>
                <th><?php echo $data["a_name"]; ?></th>
                <th><?php echo $data["b_name"]; ?></th>
                <th><?php echo $data["c_name"]; ?></th>$data["g_id"]); ?></th>
        } ?>
        $(document).ready(function() {
                    dom: '<"clear">lfrtip',
                    "paging": true,
                    "ordering": true

    Where a, b, and c are the aliases for some tables and $myData is the array with the "extended model"'s instances.