I am writing a unit test for the ElasticSearch Nest .net client.
I have the following call inside a repository class
var observable = _client.BulkAll(documents,
selector => selector
next => {
_logger.LogInformation($"Adding {next.Items.Count} number of items");
In my unit test I have :
client = Substitute.For<IElasticClient>();
await _repository.AddDocuments(documents);
But I get the following exception when running my unit test
Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'observable')
at Nest.Extensions.ThrowIfNull[T](T value, String name, String message)
I'm not sure how to correctly structure my unit test.
Any help much appreciated
I think your issue is the fact that you are working with the overload of BulkAll
with this signature
public BulkAllObservable<T> BulkAll<T>(IEnumerable<T> documents, Func<BulkAllDescriptor<T>, IBulkAllRequest<T>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
but you prepare a substitute for this one
public BulkAllObservable<T> BulkAll<T>(IBulkAllRequest<T> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
To fix the issue I would configure a substitute in the following manner
Arg.Any<Func<BulkAllDescriptor<Document>, IBulkAllRequest<Document>>>());
Where Document
type needs to be replaced with the type you are actually using.