I am trying to plot an SMA and an SMA of RSI together in one indicator window. Here is my script (based on another script that plotted 2 MAs of RSI, I just changed ma2
from basis
to close
study(title="MAofRSI / MA", shorttitle="MAoRSI / MA", overlay=false)
basis = rsi(close, input(14))
ma1 = sma(basis, input(2))
ma2 = sma(close,input(13))
oversold = input(30)
overbought = input(70)
plot(ma1, title="MA of RSI", color=teal)
plot(ma2, title="SMA", color=orange)
obhist = ma1 >= overbought ? ma1 : overbought
oshist = ma1 <= oversold ? ma1 : oversold
plot(obhist, title="Overbought Highlight", style=histogram, color=maroon, histbase=overbought)
plot(oshist, title="Oversold Highlight", style=histogram, color=green, histbase=oversold)
i1 = hline(oversold, title="Oversold Level", color=green)
i2 = hline(overbought, title="Overbought Level", color=maroon)
fill(i1, i2, color=olive, transp=70)
hline(50, title="50 Level", color=black)
However, my new SMA is just a flat line in the bottom:
I was hoping to see them interact together, crossing over one another in a beautiful dance. Obviously something is amiss with my methods here...
Your moving averages are based on different scales:
is based on close price of the current ticker,
and ma1
is based on your rsi
While the rsi is a bounded (0,100) oscillator and the moving average of rsi could not leave those bounds, MA based on current ticker's price has no bounds (0, +infinity) and they could not be compared on the same scale.
In pinescript you cannot plot at different scales (rsi's and ticker's) at the same time, only one to select. So you have to plot SMA of close as a separate script on the chart's scale, or invent a boundaries logic and scale to the rsi's Y axis.